REGISTRATION FEE - $305.00 per participant LATE REGISTRATION FEE - No fee. VOLUNTEER OPT OUT FEE - No fee. UNIFORM FEE - No fee. ATHLETE REQUIREMENTS - All athletes must be able to swim unassisted from one end of a 25 meter swimming pool to the other. Athletes of all swimming abilities are encouraged to register as long as they meet this requirement. Athletes K through 3rd grade may be subject to evaluations.
PRACTICE SCHEDULE - TBD Oregon City Swimming Pool - Map FIRST PRACTICE - TBD SEASON and SCHEDULE - Season: October to January Schedule: Four Development Swim Meets Saturdays, One Championship Meet (with separate Polliwog Championship Meet), One Optional, Qualifying All Stars Meet CONTACT INFORMATION - Questions? Interested in coaching? Contact the St. John Apostle Athletic Director here!
Are you ready to register your PLAYER for this sport season? Before you begin, we'd like to ask a quick question to make sure we're pointing you in the right direction.
If you answer yes to any of the following, you do NOT need to submit an Exception
1. Do you attend school at St. John Apostle?2. Are you a registered, paying parish member at St. John Apostle?
Let's get started! Do you need to apply for an Exception?
Would you like to apply for a Scholarship?
Would you like to apply to be a Coach?