Our CYO philosophy is easily explained by the pre-sport event prayer and statement which are read before every sport event:

  • The prayer helps all competitors, coaches and parents get into the correct CYO mindset.
  •  The statement has been created to set the tone for friendly competition and good sportsmanship.


God, as we prepare to compete in this athletic contest, we ask your help and blessing that we may compete to the best of our abilities and with a true spirit of sportsmanship so that our efforts give greater glory to You, our Creator. We ask that you protect us from injury and help us remember that our opponents are our brothers and sisters who are also under your guidance. For this we pray, Amen.


The best example we can give our youth is our own good behavior.

Let us all remember that these kids are here to have fun through competition.

We value giving every child the opportunity to not only compete in every sporting event, but to grow in good sportsmanship and faith. 

Let us come together and cheer for every child who has worked to be here today and honor the coaches who have volunteered their time to invest in them. 

Let us respect and trust our coaches, officials, and volunteers. 

Good sportsmanship starts with us.