*Registration is currently closed.
All information is for the 2023-2024 Season,
2024-2025 Season registration will open
late September/early October!


EARLY REGISTRATION FEE - $285.00 per participant Until November 3
REGISTRATION FEE - $295.00 per participant Until November 29
LATE REGISTRATION FEE - $305.00 per participant Starts November 30
VOLUNTEER OPT-OUT FEE - $150 per participant
UNIFORM FEE - All Saints partners with GearUP Sports to provide uniforms and fan gear for the community. Basketball uniforms will be available for purchase by 10/25/2022.
Please click the link for more details: https:/

PRACTICE TIMES -  Practice times will be released the week of November 20 with practices starting November 30, 2023 Every team will practice twice a week. Each practice is 75 minutes long.
Winter Season: November to February
Schedule: Regular Season Games on Saturdays, Optional End of Season Championships: March

COACHING - Coaching certification requirements can be found here! Thinking about coaching this year? We want to hear from you! Please reach out to Athletic Director, Colleen O'Bryant, 503-753-4445
CONTACT INFORMATION - Questions? Interested in coaching?
Contact the All Saints Athletic Director here!

Are you ready to register your PLAYER for this Basketball season?
Before you begin, we'd like to ask a quick question to make sure we're pointing you in the right direction.

If you answer yes to any of the following, you do NOT need to submit an Exception

1. Do you attend school at All Saints?

2. Are you a registered, paying member at All Saints parish?

Let's get started!

Do you need to apply for an Exception?


*Registration is currently closed.
All information is for the 2023-2024 Season, 
2024-2025 Season registration will open
late September/early October!

Would you like to apply for a Scholarship?

Would you like to apply to be a Coach?