Leverage your volunteer hours and support CYO/Camp Howard!
All Intel employee volunteer hours supporting Catholic Youth Organization qualify for the Intel Foundation cash grants. CYO is eligible to receive $10,000 annually from the Intel Foundation. Please go to and click "Track Volunteer Time". The link will take you to the new Intel portal. We are so grateful that you are giving your time and talent for the youth in your club.
The Intel Involved Matching Gifts Program recognizes and encourages Intel employees to financially support nonprofits. Go to and select Catholic Youth Organization or use the CYO/Camp Howard Tax I.D. # 93-0386803 for a quick search. Intel employees can get up to $5,000 matched! Your donations will help fund scholarships for youth to participate in CYO sports and attend Camp Howard. We are grateful for your support! For additional help and tips please visit: be sure to include your name and your preferred donation option: i.e. Scholarships, Camp Howard Completing the Vision Campaign, Champions of Faith Benefit Dinner, Area of Most Need in the "Add Your Comments Section"
Contact UsIf you have any questions you can contact us at -
If you have a game scheduled at the following gyms, your games have been CANCELLED for Saturday, February 15:
St. Agatha Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Ignatius Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Joseph Vancouver Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Therese Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Thomas More - Games Cancelled
*Note: These cancellations should be reflected on your schedules now. See your schedules here.