REGISTRATION FEE - $285.00 per participant LATE REGISTRATION FEE - N/A VOLUNTEER OPT OUT FEE - $150.00 - Hosting games at Holy Family is not possible without volunteer support! It is a CYO requirement to provide a site monitor at all home games. There are no certifications required and it's a fun way to earn Fair Share Hours! If you are not able to volunteer, then you must pay the additional opt-out fee ($150) to allow our club to hire for this responsibility. UNIFORM FEE - N/A COACH INFO - We are looking for coaches! This is a great way to support the kids and earn "Fair Share" hours. For those interested in coaching, here is a link to the full list of required certifications. The ALICE, Background Check and Concussion management are annual requirements. If interested please contact the Holy Family Athletic Director here!
PRACTICE SCHEDULE - TBD Final Schedules - TBD SEASON AND SCHEDULE - Winter Season: November to February Schedule: Regular Season Games on Saturdays, Optional end of season Championships The first game is January 4th. CONTACT INFORMATION - Questions? Interested in coaching? Contact the Holy Family Athletic Director here!
Are you ready to register your PLAYER for this Basketball season? Before you begin, we'd like to ask a quick question to make sure we're pointing you in the right direction.
If you answer yes to any of the following, you do NOT need to submit an Exception
1. Do you attend school at Holy Family?
2. Are you a registered, paying member at Holy Family parish?
Let's get started!
Do you need to apply for an Exception?
Would you like to apply for a Scholarship?
Would you like to apply to be a Coach?
If you have a game scheduled at the following gyms, your games have been CANCELLED for Saturday, February 15:
St. Agatha Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Ignatius Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Joseph Vancouver Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Therese Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Thomas More - Games Cancelled
*Note: These cancellations should be reflected on your schedules now. See your schedules here.