PARTNER PARISH Resurrection REGISTRATION FEE $265 per participant for OLL school/parish members and Resurrection parish members OR $300 per participant for non-OLL school/parish members Refunds, less $10 service fee, through March 31 if an email request is received at ollcyosports@gmail.com by same date No Refunds after March 31VOLUNTEER OPT OUT FEE $100 If you are unable to volunteer at meets, please pay the opt out fee to allow our club to pay for your replacement. UNIFORM PURCHASE Family needs to purchase singlet from team store here! Can also purchase other optional items.
PRACTICE SCHEDULE Mondays & Wednesdays @ 6:00 - 7:15 pm Location of practice: Riverside High School Track, West Linn - Map PARENT MEETINGTBD FIRST PRACTICE March 10DEVELOPMENT MEET SCHEDULE Four (4) Development Meets Saturdays, April 5, April 12, April 26, May 3CHAMPIONSHIP MEET SCHEDULE Roadrunner Championship: May 10Meet of Champions: May 17-18 CONTACT INFORMATION Questions? Interested in coaching? Contact the Our Lady of the Lake Athletic Director here!
Are you ready to register your PLAYER for this Track & Field season? Before you begin, we'd like to ask a quick question to make sure we're pointing you in the right direction.
If you answer yes to any of the following, you do NOT need to submit an Exception
1. Do you attend school at Our Lady of the Lake?2. Are you a registered, paying parish member Our Lady of the Lake or Resurrection?
Let's get started! Do you need to apply for an Exception?
Would you like to apply for a Scholarship?
Would you like to apply to be a Coach?
If you have a game scheduled at the following gyms, your games have been CANCELLED for Saturday, February 15:
St. Agatha Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Ignatius Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Joseph Vancouver Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Therese Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Thomas More - Games Cancelled
*Note: These cancellations should be reflected on your schedules now. See your schedules here.