*Boys registration is for 7th/8th graders only
REGISTRATION FEE - $275.00 per participant *Tournament fees will be included in registration fee VOLUNTEER OPT OUT FEE - $350.00 per participant. UNIFORM FEE - Each player will be given a jersey to borrow for the season Each player is responsible for their own black shorts, knee pads, and water bottle. No jewelry to be worn at practice or during competition. PRACTICE SCHEDULE - TBD Location: St. Ignatius Gym - MapFIRST PRACTICE - Practices can begin the week of August 12 GAME SCHEDULE - Season: August-November 8 Regular Season Games (on Saturdays) *Game Schedules will not be available until late September
TOURNAMENT FEES - All tournament fees have been covered in your registration fee. There are no fees beyond registration fees for the entire season. Talk to your coaches about tournament dates. The first tournament is September 16.TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE - Challenge Tournament - 9/14/24 Volleyball Invitational Tournament (GIRLS ONLY) - 10/12/24 - 10/13/24 (6-8 grade); 10/19/24 - 10/20/24 (3-5 grade) The Spike Tournament - 11/12/24 to 11/16/24 CYO NOTES AND REMINDERS - You will be required to remove all jewelry for game play and practices. Please bring a water bottle to all practices and games. Players need to have gym specific shoes that are non-marking on the gym floor. These can just be regular sports shoes kept clean for inside use. They do not need to be new. Practice participation and attitude effect playing time. CYO has minimum playing time requirements to ensure all players get a fair chance to play; this is upheld for players who participate fully in practices with a positive attitude. CONTACT INFORMATION - Questions? Interested in coaching? Contact the St. Ignatius Athletic Director here!
Are you ready to register your PLAYER for this sport season? Before you begin, we'd like to ask a quick question to make sure we're pointing you in the right direction.
If you answer yes to any of the following, you do NOT need to submit an Exception
1. Do you attend school at St. Ignatius?2. Are you a registered, paying parish member at St. Ignatius?
Let's get started! Do you need to apply for an Exception?
Would you like to apply for a Scholarship?
Would you like to apply to be a Coach?
If you have a game scheduled at the following gyms, your games have been CANCELLED for Saturday, February 15:
St. Agatha Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Ignatius Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Joseph Vancouver Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Therese Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Thomas More - Games Cancelled
*Note: These cancellations should be reflected on your schedules now. See your schedules here.