EARLY REGISTRATION FEE - $275.00 per participant REGISTRATION FEE - $325.00 per participant (Starting December 16) VOLUNTEER OPT OUT FEE - $50 per participant Parents are required to volunteer a minimum of 8hrs per kid for either concessions, site monitor, scorebook or scoreboard throughout the season. If you are unable to do any of these there is a $50.00 opt out fee. Volunteer hours do count towards fair share for the school. UNIFORM FEE - N/A
PRACTICE TIMES - TBA SEASON and SCHEDULE - Winter Season: November to February Schedule: Regular Season Games on Saturdays, Optional end of season Championships CONTACT INFORMATION - Questions? Interested in coaching? Contact the St. Therese Athletic Director here!
Do you need to apply for an Exception?
Would you like to apply for a Scholarship?
Would you like to apply to be a Coach?
If you have a game scheduled at the following gyms, your games have been CANCELLED for Saturday, February 15:
St. Agatha Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Ignatius Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Joseph Vancouver Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Therese Gym - Games Cancelled
St. Thomas More - Games Cancelled
*Note: These cancellations should be reflected on your schedules now. See your schedules here.