*Registration is currently closed.
All information is for the 2023-2024 Season,
2024-2025 Season registration will open
late September/early October!


REGISTRATION FEE - $275.00 per participant, Until November 26
Fees Include: CYO registration fees, including annual increase for 2023-2024, End of Season Tournament fee, Coaches fees, Gym rental, Insurance, Equipment
LATE REGISTRATION FEE - $325.00 per participant, Starting November 27
VOLUNTEER OPT OUT FEE - $75 per participant

PRACTICE TIMES - Practices will begin in late November
Winter Season: November to February
Schedule: Regular Season Games on Saturdays, Optional end of season Championships
CONTACT INFORMATION - Questions? Interested in coaching?
Contact the St. John Fisher Athletic Director here!

To alleviate a huge volunteer burden while allowing parents and athletes more flexibility (i.e. pick your own jersey, sizing and have your players gear arrive directly to your doorstep).

Here are step-by-step instructions for ordering your Required Player pack:
1. Open the St. John Fisher Webstore on your computer:
2. Tap on the "Basketball" tab
3. Tap on Required Player Pack your athlete has been assigned (based on the athlete's grade).
4. Fill in the appropriate fields.
5. All orders have flat rate UPS shipping - take advantage and stock up on Nike fan gear.
6. Click on the "Checkout" icon at the top right of the page and check-out.
7. If you would like sizing insurance, select this choice.
8. If you need rush production (faster production than 12-15 days) this option is available
9. If you need rush shipping, this option is available.
10. We will be using this platform in the future so create an account, as it will save you time in the future. There is a guest check-out option as well.
11. Complete the check-out process.
12. If you run into any processing problems as you order, please email Gear Up Sports at or reach out via phone (503) 747-5032. Do not contact your coach.
13. These uniforms will be yours to keep and can be re-used next year, or by younger siblings.

Are you ready to register your PLAYER for this Basketball season? 
Before you begin, we'd like to ask a quick question to make sure we're pointing you in the right direction.

If you answer yes to any of the following, you do NOT need to submit an Exception

1. Do you attend school at St. John Fisher?

2. Are you a registered, paying member at St. John Fisher parish?

Let's get started!

Do you need to apply for an Exception?


*Registration is currently closed.
All information is for the 2023-2024 Season, 
2024-2025 Season registration will open
late September/early October!

Would you like to apply for a Scholarship?

Would you like to apply to be a Coach?