CYO/Camp Howard Needs Your Support!

Please make a gift that means so much to the kids in your community. By funding sports and camp scholarships, you'll give life-changing experiences to youth from diverse backgrounds.

Sr. Krista von Borstel, Executive Director
Phone: (503) 231-9484 Ext. 104

Maximize the Impact of Your Gift

Every day, generous gifts from donors like you make great memories possible for the youth in our community. There are several ways to make a gift and realize tax saving benefits.

Consider the tax advantages of the following giving strategies.


 A gift of appreciated securities (stocks, mutual funds) could exceed the benefits of a cash gift by providing additional tax savings, including:

  • Avoid capital gains tax.
  • Provide a charitable deduction against annual taxable income.


Are you age 70 1/2 or older? If so, you can transfer up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to CYO/Camp Howard. You don't pay taxes on the withdrawal, and your transfer may meet part or all of your required minimum distribution.

  • To qualify your transfer must be made directly from your IRA plan administrator to CYO/Camp Howard. (You won't pay taxes on the transfer, so there is no additional income tax deduction.


Generate income for life and tax savings for you with a charitable remainder trust.

  • You can use cash, stock, mutual funds or real estate to fund a charitable remainder trust.
  • You qualify for an annual income tax charitable deduction that can carry forward for 5 years.
  • If you donate appreciated stock, mutual funds or real estate, you avoid capital gains tax.
  • Depending on your age, you receive an income for a period of years or life that is based on a percentage of the trust's initial fair market value.
  • Consult your tax adviser for more details.
  • At the end of the trust term, the remainder goes to CYO/Camp Howard to benefit youth who participate in our programs.

Please contact Sister Krista von Borstel, Executive Director, to discuss these options further.

Thank you for supporting CYO/Camp Howard.
Many blessings to you and your family.