Our Vision to be a Year-round Center of Happy Memories

Dear Friends of Camp Howard:

Ever since its founding in 1953, Camp Howard has been evolving.

What began as a summer youth camp, has become a year-round center for youth, business conferences, retreats, Outdoor School and other community groups throughout Oregon and South- west Washington. With our beautiful and serene setting, we are a much sought after site for weddings and family gatherings.

One of our constants is that we create happy memories for all who visit Camp Howard. The recent additions of the Howling Howard zipline and Giant Swing make Camp Howard even more fun.

Since the late 1990s, we have been updating camp facilities. We are working to fulfill our vision to be a year-round center of happy memories for all who wish to benefit from our majestic setting and facility resources.

In 2018, we dedicated Mary’s Lodge, a 7,580 s.f. dining hall and multi -purpose center, which more than doubled our service capacity. Thanks to the late Elsie Franz Finley, we are adding a Welcome Center with future plans to construct a multi-use chapel and four adult lodges.

We have been blessed to receive $7 million in donations to the Camp Howard Capital Campaign. We need nearly $5 million to complete the dream of a fully developed Camp Howard that serves the needs of youth, adults and community groups. 

And that’s where you come in. Thousands are counting on Camp Howard to be a year-round center of happy memories. May I count on you? Please make your pledge to the Camp Howard Completing the Vision Campaign.


Sincerely yours in Christ,

Sister Krista von Borstel, SSMO
Executive Director

Phone: (503) 231-9484 Ext. 104



The Franz Finley Welcome Center

Thanks to a $1.8 million gift  from Franz Finley, Camp Howard is building a welcome center. The Franz Finley Center will be a place of welcome for camp visitors. It will have a welcome area, camp store, nurse station, injury/illness treatment rooms, conference room and camp offices.

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The St. Michael the Archangel Chapel

With our vision to serve more visitors and to be a year-round center, we need to replace our chapel. The present chapel capacity is for 150 youth and is undersized for weekly camp guests of 200-250. Its raised-up foundation has fallen into disrepair. The roof has water leaks during rainy seasons and sun leaks during summer. The heating system is inefficient and takes up a lot of space. The building is not easy to clean because of its aged plywood floors.

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Chapel Floor Plan

Our solution is to construct a 300-person capacity chapel with 4,430 s.f. of space. It will be twice as big as the existing chapel. Its primary use will be for camp liturgies and allow expanded use for large group meetings/conferences, weddings, and Christian music concerts.

Two anonymous donors have paved the way for the chapel with donations totaling $1 million. We are working to raise the balance of pledges and begin construction in 2020.

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Adult Lodges

Most Camp Howard facilities were built in the early 1960s. Our adult lodging facilities are very dated and come across as ‘bunk houses,’ not much for comfort, relaxation, or the level of hospitality we aim to provide.

Our plan is to construct 4, 2-story, 1,770 s.f. adult lodges. Each lodge will have 4 bedrooms and accommodate a combined total of 32 guests. Simple, comfortable and relaxing.


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An Ambitious Undertaking

For Camp Howard to raise nearly $12 million in a capital campaign may seem unattainable to some. That’s what we thought when we set out to raise $4 million for the Mary’s Lodge Project. But, we surpassed that goal and already received $3 million for our next projects. If all friends of Camp Howard pledge what they can, we’ll reach our goal.

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Double Your Donation

Do you work for a matching gift  company? If so, talk with your HR Department and send in a matching gift  form with your donation and your employer will match it. Some companies that make matching gifts include: Intel, Nike, US Bank, Wells Fargo and many others.

How You Can Help

We are asking each friend of Camp Howard to make a pledge payable over three years. Pledges can be paid monthly, quarterly, or annually. Gifts can be paid with check, credit card and stock transfers.

To Make Your Gift By Check

Fill out the Completing the Vision Pledge Card: Download Pledge Card

Please make your tax-deductible check payable and send to:
CYO/Camp Howard
825 NE 20th Ave #120
Portland, OR 97232


To Make Your Gift By Credit Card

 Please click on the donate button:

Make your gift online!

Campaign Steering Committee

The Completing the Vision for Camp Howard Campaign
is being guided by a team of respected business leaders, including:

Jolie Abraham Phanton
CYO/Camp Howard

Kathleen Burtchaell
Community Volunteer

John Convery
Vista Capital Partners

Tom and Debbie Fessler
Woodburn Nursery

Henry Fitzgibbon
Soderstrom Architects

Vicki Ford
Holy Family Parish

Marty Kehoe
Kehoe NorthWest Properties

Laurie Kelly
Providence Foundation

Kevin Kelly
Retired Business Owner

Rick Skayhan
Leonard Adams Insurance

Sister Krista von Borstel, SSMO
CYO/Camp Howard