Take a Peek at the Event

Read:  Catholic Sentinel Wrap Up Article

Read:  Catholic Sentinel CYO/Camp Howard Special Section


Thank You Amazing Champions of Faith Supporters!

 We want to thank all Champions of Faith Dinner supporters! October 9th was a fantastic evening of camaraderie and philanthropy. Thank you for your generosity and confidence in the work we do at CYO/Camp Howard. As a result of contributions and pledges from you and fellow donors, we matched last year's record of netting $250,000! The success of our event would not be possible without the continued support of faithful friends like you.

Pictured above: Kyle Garcia, MC, Michael Garcia, Dinner Chair, Terry Porter, Keynote Speaker, Archbishop Alexander Sample, Michelle Garcia, Dinner Chair, Sister Krista von Borstel SSMO, Executive Director of CYO/Camp Howard and Connor Garcia, MC.

Champions of Faith Video


Thank You Champions of Faith Sponsors!

We are grateful to all our sponsors who made this event possible. A very special thanks to Mr. Joseph Weston, the Epping family, and the B.P., Lester & Regina John Foundation for matching every donation of $250 and higher! View all sponsors here:

Champions of Faith Benefit Dinner Sponsors

One hundred percent of your gift at our eighth annual "Champions of Faith" Benefit Dinner will be used for sports and camp scholarships, endowment and the capital projects at Camp Howard. Through your personal support and the support of others in the community, CYO/Camp Howard continues to "Make Great Memories Possible!"


One More Step We Ask of You, Our Amazing Supporters 

Please contact your employer to see if they will match your donation.

click here to access our double the donation tool and search for your employer. We hope to increase employer matching gifts tenfold this year.

Save the Date

9th Annual Champions of Faith Benefit Dinner
October 15, 2019 - Oregon Convention Center

Thank you!



Donate to Champions of Faith Benefit Dinner

To Make Your Gift By Check

Please make your tax-deductible check payable and send to: 
CYO/Camp Howard
825 NE 20th Ave #120
Portland, OR 97232

To Make Your Gift By Credit Card

Please click on the donate button:

Make your gift online!