Give the gift of happy memories that last a lifetime.
Ways to Give
Since 1946, Catholic Youth Organization and Camp Howard have served the youth of Western Oregon and Southwest Washington. More than 11,000 youth participate in our sports and camp programs each year. Through our programs, participants learn self-worth and lifelong values. Your donation makes a difference! CYO/Camp Howard is a 501c (3) non-profit. Tax I.D. # 93-0386803.

Donate by Credit Card

Please click the donate button to make your gift online!

Donate by Mail
To make a gift by mail, send your check or money order to:
CYO/Camp Howard
Attention: Development
847 NE 19th Avenue, Suite 385
Portland, Oregon 97232

Donate by Phone
To make a gift by credit card call us at (503) 231-9484
Securities & Stocks
Gifts of marketable securities or other assets are welcome and appreciated. Gifts of this type may also enable you to avoid paying capital gains tax. Please contact the CYO/Camp Howard Business Manager, Cathy Foy, for more information (503) 231-9484
Tribute Gifts
Tribute gifts made to CYO/Camp Howard in honor of a family member or friend are a perfect way to celebrate a happy occasion, such as a wedding, birthday, anniversary, or other milestone. Gifts made in memory of a late family member or friend are a thoughtful way to celebrate the memory of your loved one. Please contact our Development Director, Lisa Sanders, for more information at (503) 231-9484.
Annual Giving
Annual giving is a great vehicle to take advantage of opportunities to leverage your giving to CYO/Camp Howard. There are several options from which to consider that can provide real Tax Advantages for you. Learn more about each type of gift and who to contact for more information.
Planned Giving
Legacy, Memorial and Stock gifts are welcome and appreciated. These opportunities are ways of giving that enable CYO/Camp Howard to meet its annual needs. Learn more about each type of gift and who to contact for more information.
Matching Gifts
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match volunteer hours and charitable contributions made by their employees. Contact your company's HR department for details and the matching gift form.

Fred Meyer
Link your rewards card and make the most of your next shopping trip.
Click this link to register.
Thank you for supporting CYO/Camp Howard.
Many blessings to you and your family.